Monday, April 7, 2014

Getting SCUBA Certified

So a couple weeks ago I had the idea to get certified for scuba diving, I read that the Philippines are one of the best places in the world to dive. I found a place in Minneapolis that does it, the classes were $200 and I had to pay $200 for my own equipment (fins, snorkel, and mask). It took me about 2 1/2 weeks to read through the 250 pg book and 3 hr dvd.

We had classroom time on Friday from 7-10, and Saturday 2-4. Pool time was Saturday 9-1 and Sunday 1-4. So overall a lot of material was covered. Two requirements that we had to do was prove we could swim 200 meters or 11 pool lengths and tread water for 10 minutes. I'm in pretty good shape but not at all for swimming so by the 6th lap I was struggling.

The pool stuff was a lot of fun, I know I'm really going to enjoy diving. I met a really cool girl named Samm who was my scuba buddy. We had to learn stuff like clearing our mask of water, communicating under water, and controlling our buoyancy. One lady in the class was probably in her late 40's and she kept kicking me in the face with her flippers, she turned around one time and hit me with her air tank. One time I was at the bottom of the pool, I look up and she's coming right down on top of me - -''

Right now the one regret I have is that I wish I knew about the requirements for scuba diving first before I finalized the trip plans. We'll be in Busuanga from May 9-13th. I need to spend 2 days to finalize my open water certification before I'm eligible to dive on my own, which means that I probably won't be able to go on a coral reef dive. Nitrogen builds up in your body as you are under water and you're not recommended to fly in a plane for 12 hours after 1 dive, 18 hrs, after 2 consecutive dives and so on. So 3 dives over 3 days and then flying out within 24 hours is probably a bit risky.

I just realized that I spent 3 weeks prepping to get certified, I passed my tests and I can't remember what SCUBA stands for...idiot lol

As far as trip prep goes, I bought a pair of nice rugged sandals and Alex got a really nice 85 liter backpack for $130 on I still have to get a fitbit and a Go Pro camera with accessories before we leave.

23 days left!

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