Sunday, May 18, 2014

Jump jump jump around

I haven't blogged the past few days just because we've been jumping from place to place (hence the related title). Over 4 days we'll be going from Singapore > Manila > Taipei > Minneapolis.
Spent most of the morning yesterday getting from Singapore to Manila. We didn't really have any plans last night but to either go to a cock fight or midget boxing. The hostel said cock fights aren't safe at night so we opted for the latter. We're not allowed to take pictures inside the bar so I just did a quick google search and found a picture taken from someone else. Besides the midget boxing, they also had lady boy boxing...yah it's exactly what you think it is.

We spent most of the day today getting to Taipei, didn't arrive to the hostel until 9pm. We're really happy with the hostel, it's really comfortable and clean. Since we only have about 22 hours in the city, we rushed over to Shilin night market. It really reminds me of Meyongdong in Seoul. Basically a lot of clothing and food shops spread over a few blocks.
Unfortunately, we didn't get into Shilin until about 10:30 so a lot of places were starting to close up but we managed to get a few snacks.

And what's a trip to Taipei without bubble tea? This big cup was $1 US.

I didn't know that you can't drink or eat on the subway. We were about halfway up the escalator when a security guard just books it up the escalator, I joke that he's coming after me because I took an accidental sip and he really did yell at me for drinking in the subway..oops, I'm sure if this were Singapore I would have gotten caned

Tomorrow we're going to try to make it out to the hot springs near the city before we have to pack up and start the long journey home. Trip is almost over and we're sad :(

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